Custom paint - the cross section between design, chemical burns and religion. “Please (insert deity here) don’t let any dust, paint crackle or clear sags mess this frame up!” In all seriousness, I have been custom painting frames since 2013 and have a showcase of special and limited paint work. If you would like to work together on a project please hit me up and I’d be happy to discuss your ideas with you.

Numero Uno

The Superstar


Oh Canada

French Flies

The Shark

El Pistolero

Not Quite F1

Lichtgeschwindigkeit (Speed of Light)

Victory Edition

The Bomber

Bill's Tarmac SL6

Dave's Quiver

Josh's Venge

Alexander's Venge

Jason's Tarmac

Greg's Serotta

Sam's Venge

Dr. Emile's Tarmac

Frank's Venge

Todd's Tarmac

Henning's System Six

Ethan's Hot Walk

Brandon's Eye Burner

Andrew's Tarmac

Julie's Tarmac

James' Crux

Kwanchai's Venge

Christine's Amira

Michael's Tarmac

Hugo's Venge

Chris Z's Open

Marv's Quiver
Chris T's Open

Isla's Hotwalk

Marco's Stumpjumper
Gerard's Canyon

Cat's Tarmac

Frederik's Venge

Nicholas' Venge

Shayne's Quiver

John's Shiv